Using Bookmarks to Define Chart Starting Points

The Bookmarking feature of TeamOrgChart allows chart administrators to define starting positions within an organization chart.  This is a useful feature that aids the navigability of large organization charts.

For example the chart administrator can bookmark the heads of departments or divisions within the organization this lets the end user navigate directly to that point in the chart without the need to search or navigate the chart.

Accessing the Bookmarks Page

Accessing the Bookmarks page from the home page

To access the bookmarking feature the chart administrator can select the Bookmarks link for the appropriate chart within the Org Charts I Can Change grid.  However in this guide we will walk through the alternative method of creating bookmarks from the chart viewing page. 


Creating the Bookmark from the Chart Page

The administrator can create bookmarks at any point on an organization chart by checking selecting the Bookmark button from the command bar at the top of the chart.

To begin creating bookmarks the administrator should navigate or search and locate a position of interest within the org chart.

Creating a Bookmark

Creating a bookmark

Once at the desired location the administrator clicks the Bookmark button.  This opens the Create a Bookmark dialog box.

The administrator can then enter a name for the bookmark, in this example, Product Development has been entered.

The option to make the current bookmark the default starting position is also available.  

Once the name has been entered pressing Create finishes the task.


Adding More Bookmarks

More bookmarks

In this example after creating the first bookmark we navigated to two other positions of interest and repeated the steps to create bookmarks named Product Testing and Product Marketing.

The bookmarks are now displayed above the chart and provide end-users with a convenient and quick method of accessing pre-determined locations of interest within the org chart.


Updating and Deleting Bookmarks

Maintaining the bookmarks

To update the bookmark text, change the bookmarked position or to delete an existing bookmark the chart administrator should go to the Bookmarks page.  This is accessible from either the Bookmarks link on the home page or by choosing the Bookmarks button on the navigation button at the top of screen.

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