Creating a Chart from an Excel spreadsheet

TeamOrgChart can create charts from an Excel spreadsheet or comma separated values ( CSV ) file.  In this guide we use this Excel spreadsheet and walk through the steps required to create the organization chart.

Creating the Organization Chart

From the home page select the Create New Chart option.  If you cannot see this option then you do not have administration rights to TeamOrgChart.  You will need to contact your administrator and ask for rights to be granted to you.

Name the Chart & Choose the a Data Source

First enter the name of the organization chart into the Chart Name text box and select Manually enter data, load an Excel spreadhseet or connect ... Service from the data source options.

Loading the Spreadsheet

On the Load Chart Data page, click the button marked Upload Spreadsheet.  Then drag and drop the spreadsheet that you wish to import onto the marked import area.  The data file can be in either .xls, .xlsx or .csv format.

Once dropped press the Import Entries button to load the file into TeamOrgChart.

In this guide we are using this Excel spreadsheet.

Mapping the Data Fields

Because TeamOrgChart can import a wide variety of files, with varying content a simple mapping exercise needs to be done to map the fields in the data file to  TeamOrgChart's data model.

TeamOrgChart will attempt to guess the most appropriate field and present a list of options.   It is not important to map each field only information that you intend to display or to use in a conditional format rule can be mapped.

A primary key column and a Manager column must be present in the file.  The primary key is a value, such as an employee number that uniquely identifies each person in the organisation.  The manager column indicates who the manager of that person is.

Completing the Import

Upon pressing the Save Changes button, TeamOrgChart will complete the data load and display a count of the records loaded and any errors that were encountered within the data.

Completing the Chart

After exiting the import screen you will be returned to the initial data load screen, where you should see a list of the organization chart entries that have been loaded.  The organization chart is no ready for viewing and styling.


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